Implementing Custom Weight Functions

Corrfunc supports custom weight functions. On this page we describe the recommended procedure for writing your own. When in doubt, follow the example of pair_product.

First, see Computing Weighted Correlation Functions for basic usage of Corrfunc’s weight features.

The steps are:

  1. Add a type to the weight_method_t enum in utils/defs.h (something like MY_WEIGHT_SCHEME=1).
  2. Determine how many weights per particle your scheme needs, and add a case to the switch-case block in get_num_weights_by_method() in utils/defs.h. Corrfunc supports up to MAX_NUM_WEIGHTS=10 weights per particle; most schemes will simply need 1. To provide multiple weights per particle via the Python interface, simply pass a weights array of shape (N_WEIGHTS_PER_PARTICLE, N_PARTICLES).
  3. Add an if statement that maps a string name (like “my_weight_scheme”) to the weight_method_t (which you created above) in get_weight_method_by_name() in utils/defs.h.
  4. Write a function in utils/weight_functions.h.src that returns the weight for a particle pair, given the weights for the two particles. The weights for each particle are packed in a const pair_struct_DOUBLE struct, which also contains the pair separation. You must write one function for every instruction set you wish to support. This can be quite easy for simple weight schemes; the four functions for pair_product are:
 * The pair weight is the product of the particle weights
static inline DOUBLE pair_product_DOUBLE(const pair_struct_DOUBLE *pair){
    return pair->weights0[0].d*pair->weights1[0].d;

#ifdef __AVX512F__
static inline AVX512_FLOATS avx512_pair_product_DOUBLE(const pair_struct_DOUBLE *pair){
    return AVX512_MULTIPLY_FLOATS(pair->weights0[0].a512, pair->weights1[0].a512);

#ifdef __AVX__
static inline AVX_FLOATS avx_pair_product_DOUBLE(const pair_struct_DOUBLE *pair){
    return AVX_MULTIPLY_FLOATS(pair->weights0[0].a, pair->weights1[0].a);

#ifdef __SSE4_2__
static inline SSE_FLOATS sse_pair_product_DOUBLE(const pair_struct_DOUBLE *pair){
    return SSE_MULTIPLY_FLOATS(pair->weights0[0].s, pair->weights1[0].s);

See utils/avx512_calls.h, utils/avx_calls.h and utils/sse_calls.h for the lists of available vector instructions.

  1. For each function you wrote in the last step, add a case to the switch-case block in the appropriate dispatch function in utils/weight_functions.h.src. If you wrote a weighting function for all four instruction sets, then you’ll need to add the corresponding function to get_weight_func_by_method_DOUBLE(), get_avx512_weight_func_by_method_DOUBLE, get_avx_weight_func_by_method_DOUBLE(), and get_sse_weight_func_by_method_DOUBLE().
  2. Done! Your weight scheme should now be accessible through the Python and C interfaces via the name (“my_weight_scheme”) that you specified above. The output will be accessible in the weightavg field of the results array.

Pair counts (i.e. the npairs field in the results array) are never affected by weights. For theory functions like Corrfunc.theory.xi and Corrfunc.theory.wp that actually return a clustering statistic, the statistic is weighted. For pair_product, the random distribution used to compute the expected bin weight from an unclustered particle set (the RR term) is taken to be a spatially uniform particle set where every particle has the mean weight. See RR in Weighted Clustering Statistics for more discussion. This behavior (automatically returning weighted clustering statistics) is only implemented for pair_product, since that is the only weighting method for which we know the desired equivalent random distribution. Custom weighting methods can implement similar behavior by modifying countpairs_xi_DOUBLE() in theory/xi/countpairs_xi_impl.c.src and countpairs_wp_DOUBLE() in theory/wp/countpairs_wp_impl.c.src.