Using the python extensions in Corrfunc

This guide assumes that you already followed the Package Installation section of the documentation to get the package and its dependencies set up on your machine. Rest of document also assumes that you have installed the C extensions for python.

Importing Corrfunc

After installing Corrfunc you can open up a python terminal and import the base package by:

>>> import Corrfunc

All of the functionality is divided into theory routines and mocks routines. These routines can be independently imported by using:

>>> from Corrfunc.theory import *
>>> from Corrfunc.mocks import *

You can access the full API documentation by simply typing:

help(DD)              # theory pair-counter in 3-D separation (r)
help(DDrppi_mocks)    # mocks pair-counter in 2-D (rp, pi)

First steps with Corrfunc

Overview of Corrfunc inputs

Broadly speaking, Corrfunc requires these following inputs:

  • (At least) 3 arrays specifying the positions for the particles

    • For Corrfunc.theory routines, these positions are Cartesian XYZ in co-moving Mpc/h units.

    • For Corrfunc.mocks routines, these positions are Right Ascension, Declination, and Speed of Light * Redshift or Co-moving distance. The angles are expected in degrees, while the distance is expected in co-moving Mpc/h.

      See Reading Catalogs for Corrfunc for details on how to read in arrays from a file.

  • A boolean flag specifying in an auto-correlation or cross-correlation is being performed. In case of cross-correlations, another set of 3 arrays must be passed as input. This second set of arrays typically represents randoms for Corrfunc.mocks.

  • A file containing the bins for the clustering statistic (where relevant). Look at theory/tests/bins for an example of the contents of the file for spatial bins. See mocks/tests/angular_bins for an example containing angular bins for mocks routines. Passing a filename is the most general way of specifying bins in Corrfunc. However, you can also pass in a 1-D array for the bins.

    See Specifying the separation bins in Corrfunc for details on how to specify the bins as a file as well as an array

See Typical Tasks for Computing Correlation Functions for a broad overview of the typical tasks associated with computing correlation functions. Read on for the various pair-counters available within the python interfaces of Corrfunc.

Calculating spatial clustering statistics in simulation boxes

Corrfunc can compute a range of spatial correlation functions and the counts-in-cells. For all of these calculations a few inputs are required. The following code section sets up the default inputs that are used later on in the clustering functions:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from import read_catalog

# Read the default galaxies supplied with
# Corrfunc. ~ 1 million galaxies on a 420 Mpc/h cube
>>> X, Y, Z = read_catalog()

# Specify boxsize for the XYZ arrays
>>> boxsize = 420.0

# Number of threads to use
>>> nthreads = 2

# Create the bins array
>>> rmin = 0.1
>>> rmax = 20.0
>>> nbins = 20
>>> rbins = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), nbins + 1)

# Specify the distance to integrate along line of sight
>>> pimax = 40.0

# Specify the max. of the cosine of the angle to the LOS for
# DD(s, mu)
>>> mu_max = 1.0

# Specify the number of linear bins in `mu`
>>> nmu_bins = 20

# Specify that an autocorrelation is wanted
>>> autocorr = 1

Calculating 2-D projected auto-correlation (Corrfunc.theory.wp)

Corrfunc can directly compute the projected auto-correlation function, \(w_p(r_p)\). This calculation sets periodic boundary conditions. Randoms are calculated analytically based on the supplied boxsize. The projected separation, \(r_p\) is calculated in the X-Y plane while the line-of-sight separation, \(\pi\) is calculated in the Z plane. Only pairs with \(\pi\) separation less than \(\pi_{max}\) are counted.

from Corrfunc.theory.wp import wp
results_wp = wp(boxsize, pimax, nthreads, rbins, X, Y, Z)

Calculating 3-D autocorrelation (Corrfunc.theory.xi)

Corrfunc can also compute the 3-D auto-correlation function, \(\xi(r)\). Like \(w_p(r_p)\), this calculation also enforces periodic boundary conditions and an auto-correlation. Randoms are calculated analytically on the supplied boxsize.

from Corrfunc.theory.xi import xi
results_xi = xi(boxsize, nthreads, rbins, X, Y, Z)

Calculating 3-D pair-counts (Corrfunc.theory.DD)

Corrfunc can return the pair counts in 3-D real-space for a set of arrays. The calculation can be either auto or cross-correlation, and with or without periodic boundaries. The pairs are always double-counted. Additionally, if the smallest bin is 0.0 for an autocorrelation, then the self-pairs will be counted.

from Corrfunc.theory.DD import DD
results_DD = DD(autocorr, nthreads, rbins, X, Y, Z, boxsize=boxsize)

Calculating 2-D pair-counts (Corrfunc.theory.DDrppi)

Corrfunc can return the pair counts in 2-D real-space for a set of arrays. The calculation can be either auto or cross-correlation, and with or without periodic boundaries. The projected separation, \(r_p\) is calculated in the X-Y plane while the line-of-sight separation, \(\pi\) is calculated in the Z plane.

The pairs are always double-counted. Additionally, if the smallest bin is 0.0 for an autocorrelation, then the self-pairs will be counted.

from Corrfunc.theory.DDrppi import DDrppi
results_DDrppi = DDrppi(autocorr, nthreads, pimax, rbins, X, Y, Z, boxsize=boxsize)

Calculating 2-D pair-counts (Corrfunc.theory.DDsmu)

Corrfunc can return the pair counts in 2-D real-space for a set of arrays. The calculation can be either auto or cross-correlation, and with or without periodic boundaries. The spatial separation, \(s\) is calculated in 3-D while \(mu\) is the cosine of angle to the line-of-sight and is calculated assuming that the Z-axis is the line-of-sight.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{s} &= \mathbf{v_1} - \mathbf{v_2}, \\ {\mu} &= \frac{\left(z_1 - z_2 \right)}{\Vert\mathbf{s}\Vert}\end{split}\]

where, \(\mathbf{v_1}:=(x_1, y_1, z_1)\) and \(\mathbf{v_2}:=(x_2, y_2, z_2)\) are the vectors for the two points under consideration, and, \(\Vert\mathbf{s}\Vert=\sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2 + (z_1 - z_2)^2}\)

The pairs are always double-counted. Additionally, if the smallest bin is 0.0 for an autocorrelation, then the self-pairs will be counted.

from Corrfunc.theory.DDsmu import DDsmu
results_DDsmu = DDsmu(autocorr, nthreads, rbins, mu_max, nmu_bins, X, Y, Z, boxsize=boxsize)

Calculating the Counts-in-Cells (Corrfunc.theory.vpf)

Corrfunc can calculate the counts-in-cells statistics. The simplest example for counts-in-cells is the Void Probability Function – the probability that a sphere of a certain size contains zero galaxies.

from Corrfunc.theory.vpf import vpf

# Maximum radius of the sphere in Mpc/h
rmax = 10.0

# Number of bins to cover up to rmax
nbins = 10

# Number of random spheres to place
nspheres = 10000

# Max number of galaxies in sphere (must be >=1)
numpN = 6

# Random number seed (used for choosing sphere centres)
seed = 42

results_vpf = vpf(rmax, nbins, nspheres, numpN, seed, X, Y, Z, boxsize=boxsize)

Calculating clustering statistics in mock catalogs

In order to calculate clustering statistics in mock catalogs, the galaxy positions are assumed to be specified as on-sky (Right Ascension, Declination, and speed of light * redshift). The following code section sets up the default arrays and parameters for the actual clustering calculations:

import numpy as np
import Corrfunc
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
from import read_catalog

# Mock catalog (SDSS-North) supplied with Corrfunc
mock_catalog = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)), "../mocks/tests/data/", "Mr19_mock_northonly.rdcz.ff")
RA, DEC, CZ = read_catalog(mock_catalog)

# Randoms catalog (SDSS-North) supplied with Corrfunc
randoms_catalog = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)), "../mocks/tests/data/", "Mr19_randoms_northonly.rdcz.ff")
RAND_RA, RAND_DEC, RAND_CZ = read_catalog(randoms_catalog)

# Number of threads to use
nthreads = 2

# Specify cosmology (1->LasDamas, 2->Planck)
cosmology = 1

# Create the bins array
rmin = 0.1
rmax = 20.0
nbins = 20
rbins = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), nbins + 1)

# Specify the distance to integrate along line of sight
pimax = 40.0

# Specify the max. of the cosine of the angle to the LOS
# for DD(s, mu)
mu_max = 1.0

# Specify the number of linear bins in `mu`
nmu_bins = 20

# Specify that an autocorrelation is wanted
autocorr = 1

Calculating 2-D pair counts (Corrfunc.mocks.DDrppi_mocks)

Corrfunc can calculate pair counts for mock catalogs. The input positions are expected to be Right Ascension, Declination and CZ (speed of light times redshift, in Mpc/h). Cosmology has to be specified since CZ needs to be converted into co-moving distance. If you want to calculate in arbitrary cosmology, then convert CZ into co-moving distance, and then pass the converted array while setting the option is_comoving_dist=True. The projected and line of sight separations are calculated using the following equations from Zehavi et al. 2002

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{s} &= \mathbf{v_1} - \mathbf{v_2}, \\ \mathbf{l} &= \frac{1}{2}\left(\mathbf{v_1} + \mathbf{v_2}\right), \\ \pi &= \left(\mathbf{s} \cdot \mathbf{l}\right)/\Vert\mathbf{l}\Vert, \\ r_p^2 &= \mathbf{s} \cdot \mathbf{s} - \pi^2\end{split}\]

where, \(\mathbf{v_1}:=(x_1, y_1, z_1)\) and \(\mathbf{v_2}:=(x_2, y_2, z_2)\) are the vectors for the two points under consideration, and, \(\Vert\mathbf{s}\Vert=\sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2 + (z_1 - z_2)^2}\).

Here is the python code to call Corrfunc.mocks.DDrppi_mocks:

from Corrfunc.mocks.DDrppi_mocks import DDrppi_mocks
results_DDrppi_mocks = DDrppi_mocks(autocorr, cosmology, nthreads, pimax, rbins, RA, DEC, CZ)

Calculating 2-D pair counts (Corrfunc.mocks.DDsmu_mocks)

Corrfunc can calculate pair counts for mock catalogs. The input positions are expected to be Right Ascension, Declination and CZ (speed of light times redshift, in Mpc/h). Cosmology has to be specified since CZ needs to be converted into co-moving distance. If you want to calculate in arbitrary cosmology, then convert CZ into co-moving distance, and then pass the converted array while setting the option is_comoving_dist=True. The projected and line of sight separations are calculated using the following equations from Zehavi et al. 2002

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{s} &= \mathbf{v_1} - \mathbf{v_2}, \\ \mathbf{l} &= \frac{1}{2}\left(\mathbf{v_1} + \mathbf{v_2}\right), \\ \mu &= \left(\mathbf{s} \cdot \mathbf{l}\right)/\left(\Vert\mathbf{l}\Vert \Vert\mathbf{s}\Vert \right)\end{split}\]

where, \(\mathbf{v_1}:=(x_1, y_1, z_1)\) and \(\mathbf{v_2}:=(x_2, y_2, z_2)\) are the vectors for the two points under consideration, and, \(\Vert\mathbf{s}\Vert=\sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2 + (z_1 - z_2)^2}\)

Here is the python code to call Corrfunc.mocks.DDsmu_mocks:

from Corrfunc.mocks.DDsmu_mocks import DDsmu_mocks
results_DDsmu_mocks = DDsmu_mocks(autocorr, cosmology, nthreads, mu_max, nmu_bins, rbins, RA, DEC, CZ)

Calculating angular pair-counts (Corrfunc.mocks.DDtheta_mocks)

Corrfunc can compute angular pair counts for mock catalogs. The input positions are expected to be Right Ascension and Declination. Since all calculations are in angular space, cosmology is not required.

from Corrfunc.mocks.DDtheta_mocks import DDtheta_mocks
results_DDtheta_mocks = DDtheta_mocks(autocorr, nthreads, rbins, RA, DEC)

Calculating the Counts-in-Cells (Corrfunc.mocks.vpf_mocks)

Corrfunc can calculate the counts-in-cells statistics. The simplest example for counts-in-cells is the Void Probability Function – the probability that a sphere of a certain size contains zero galaxies.

from Corrfunc.mocks.vpf_mocks import vpf_mocks

# Maximum radius of the sphere in Mpc/h
rmax = 10.0

# Number of bins to cover up to rmax
nbins = 10

# Number of random spheres to place
nspheres = 10000

# Max number of galaxies in sphere (must be >=1)
numpN = 6

# Minimum number of random points needed in a ``rmax`` sphere
# such that it is considered to be entirely within the mock
# footprint. Does not matter in this case, since we already
# have the centers for the fully enclosed spheres
threshold_ngb = 1

# File with sphere centers (centers such that spheres with size
# rmax=10 Mpc/h are completely inside the survey)
centers_file = pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)), "../mocks/tests/data/", "Mr19_centers_xyz_forVPF_rmax_10Mpc.txt")

results_vpf_mocks = vpf_mocks(rmax, nbins, nspheres, numpN, threshold_ngb, centers_file, cosmology, RA, DEC, CZ, RAND_RA, RAND_DEC, RAND_CZ)

See the complete reference here Corrfunc.